Modulating Voices


Modulating Voices | Multimedia Portrait Project

Musicians were devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Venues were closing, gigs were being canceled. Their careers seemingly vanished overnight with no relief in sight. As a musician myself with many musician friends, I wanted to do what I could to help out. In early spring 2020, the Kansas City band The Freedom Affair commissioned me to make band portraits for its debut album cover art, because they couldn’t gather for a group photo due to the virus. I absolutely loved the experience and thought that making and sharing portraits could be my way of supporting my friends, introducing them and their music to new fans, and to show the world how they’ve persevered through this difficult time. | self-directed passion project

Skills: Illustration, photography, digital painting, collage, video editing, typographic design, copywriting + editing, layout, web design
Photoshop, Premiere Pro, InDesign, Procreate, good ol’ pencils + paper
Awards: Spring 2022 Madison College Honors Program Competition (First Place), 2023 Student ADDY Award (Gold)


Magazine mockup


View more drawing timelapse videos on Vimeo.